
Influenzaimpfung – Mehr als nur Influenzaschutz [Influenza vaccination – more than just protection against the flu]


  • R. Dechend


  • Kardiologie


  • Kardiologie 17 (6): 434-440


  • Influenza is a severe infectious disease that leads to significant morbidity and mortality worldwide every year. Cardiovascular events, especially within the first 2 weeks after influenza infection, are the main cause of death. Due to immunosenescence, multimorbidity and frailty, older individuals are particularly at risk for severe disease progression. Influenza vaccination is an effective strategy for reducing influenza infections and associated cardiovascular complications. The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) therefore recommends annual influenza vaccination for individuals aged 60 years and older as well as for certain high-risk groups regardless of age. Standard vaccines are often less effective in older individuals due to declining immune responses. Therefore, various optimization approaches, such as the use of a high-dose influenza vaccine, are being explored to enhance immune response and vaccine efficacy. Due to the high-quality data available for the high-dose vaccine, the STIKO recommends its use from the age of 60 years onwards. Randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses show that the high-dose vaccine improves the efficacy and effectiveness in terms of influenza infections and cardiopulmonary events compared to standard dose influenza vaccines. Individuals with pre-existing heart conditions also benefit from influenza vaccination. Patients should be informed by their treating physicians about the cardiovascular benefits of influenza vaccination.

