Communications Center MDC.C

Digital Future Medicine Science Match: Artificial Intelligence in Translational Medicine

The Digital Future Medicine Science Match is a huge event that brings together 800 participants. The one-day programme has 80 top international scientists, who will present the top achievements in translational medicine in 3-minute lectures and keynote. The topic this year is Artificial Intelligence in Translational Medicine. 


Virtual Meeting
10963 Berlin




As part of this event, Dr Roland Schwarz, from the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, will be chairing a session that explores AI and Basic Medical Research. Roland Schwarz’s lab develops and applies computational methods for understanding tumour heterogeneity and cancer evolution, so he will bring together range of innovative and exciting speakers on the topic. They will be among the physicians, health care experts, researchers, politicians, developers, engineers, innovators, industry, entrepreneurs, investors who will be taking part.

The program of the MDC at the Berlin Science Week


Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)